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The Linux version doesn't seem to be working out of the box. It complains about a missing library at "../lib/".

I was able to fix it by compiling the library myself. Here's what I've ran:

git clone --recursive --branch gdnative godot-unixsocket
cd godot-unixsocket
./ release

And by putting the files in this order:

  • ./bin/AmphibiaCalamityBeatdown-Linux.x86_64
  • ./lib/

The game now launches.

BTW, Seems like the game gets stuck on a black screen upon entering a bonus stage. Is this known already?

Anyway, nice game. :D

This game feels good, and I can't wait for the full game

hell yessss


Finally played this recently and I was super impressed with the demo! It controlled really well and I loved the levels, enemies, music, ect. I don't see posted a way to back the project, so if you open a kickstarter/patreon/ect please let me know because I'd be happy to contribute!


like a boss


Is this game still in development? There is no update log so I don't know if it still is.

it's a about a year old


Yes. On his twitter (2) Krizby (@krizby425) / X

I do not know how to get in this game on my chrome book.

(From School)

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Hello, please help. I can't figure out how to add players for multiplayer. I only have the first position there, the other three are empty and I don't understand how to add anything to the other positions.

There's a Discord server for development? Like for the community to put some ideas and chat with the developers.


Could you have the characters double jump? Please, it would be very helpful or a power up to push you

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Can you make Frobo and/or Mr. X Playable please?


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are you still working on this game? I loved the demo and keep coming back to check and see if you released it yet. the demo is absolutely amazing!!!!!

edit: I saw your twitter and your progress looks amazing!!! i withdraw my previous question


this game is amazing and really well done just I wish there was a game like this for the owl house still an amazing little game though 

If only there was a way to know if this still being worked on or not...


Krizby (@krizby425) / X (

Will the full game have a Price?

Is there a way to change the controls?
This game looks awesome but I'm not on English keyboard so it's really confusing when trying to go up. I'd really like to be able to play with the directional arrows please! 


Hello! I played the Demo and it's amazing! Can't wait for the full game to release!

hello the commands are not working on the chromebooks

This is the best amphibia game i have ever played i cant wait for the next updates

Do i need to install the game again everytime there is an update or what?

when windows should be work and laucher the game demo?


the game is so nice! I look foword to play the game once its finished.

How much story is there to this game, if any at all?

Could you Give us A Release Date once It Close to Being Finish


It's going to take quite a while honestly. Months, maybe years. Keep in mind I'm trying to design and program an entire game basically by myself with very little experience. So please be patient with me.
I might release it in small chunks or chapters to get it out quicker, but that's still being decided.


I understand, I'm trying to make a Game & I have no experience with Godot but I'm still trying to, Understandable that it'll take a bit, I'm just excited for this Game because its so good! And no rush take your time, that's what going to make the Game Better :>

how do i use this on linux? i have chromebook and i am very much learning linux on the fly

how to get amphibia calamity beatdown? 


Can you add a mac download

I agree

ojala estuviera en español ya que soy de latam y espero que hagan una traduccion a español

I've been checking the page for Amphibia just because I'm hoping that the Game is out.

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Hey can you get a mobile version please I really want to play it but I cant

how do i play as Marcy? 

Marcy & Sasha aren't out yet until the full game get released


Android version?

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oh could u also make movement compatable with ASWD keys and RIGHT LEFT UP AND DOWN keys. thx

I realy loved amphibia and this game keep it up the only downside is the controls on pc like could u change jump from L to SPACE also change attack from K to RIGHT CLICK and strong attack from I to LEFT CLICK but its not like Im bossing you around cuz I dont know a thing about game developing if my coment is offensive just ignore me and you do you :)

i can't downlod it for some reason- it says i need trust??? or som like that pls helpp

dang it im on macos

I’m trying to get a Mac version working, but it’s difficult since I don’t actually own a Mac and Apple doesn’t make it easy to run “unauthorized” apps. Check back in like a week!


When is the Full Game coming out? I'm so excited for it!

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